Many spend much of their time hunched over their tables using computers, or looking at their phones with their necks craned. Our quality of life is being affected daily by common causes of pain such as age-related degeneration, sedentary lifestyles, and repetitive stress injuries. These conditions cause blockages in the free flow of Qi and blood. As a result, our neck muscles are constantly fatigued, with reduced blood circulation in the tissues and strain in the musculoskeletal joints, causing the joints to be stiff and “locked” in place.
Emotional stress also contributes significantly to shoulder stiffness and pain. As a result of constant stress, the sympathetic nervous system can almost always be in a “flight or fight” mode, affecting mostly the upper body, neck and shoulders. This causes a lack of nutrition and blood circulation in the muscles, and in turn causes the neck and shoulder to experience stiffness and pain.
However, TCM Tui Na massages may offer a suitable solution.