When the flow of Qi and blood is blocked, they putrefy in the vessels and as a result, we feel stiffness, swelling and discomfort. Lower back massage works well for pain as it is a vigorous massage that enhances circulation in the area. It will usually be paired with other treatment therapies such as cupping and acupuncture to further its results.
A weakness in the energy of the kidneys is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. This is not referring to the physical kidneys that we are familiar with in the western world, but rather, the kidney organ-meridian system which includes the reproductive organs and adrenal glands.
A whole range of symptoms can result from weakened kidneys — for example sexual dysfunction, knee pain, fatigue and lower back pain. These occur when the kidneys are weakened by chronic illness, an unhealthy lifestyle, or overwork. As such, people who seek lower back treatment often seek kidney treatment as well.
For more information on the TCM Kidney Care services, refer to our TCM Kidney Care service page.